To visit the building you can take any tram line heading from the city centre towards Töölö (lines 2,4,7A and 10), you have to get off at the building's own stop called "Kansaneläkelaitos", trams run every few minutes and the ride takes only about 10 minutes. Free guided tours are arranged 1-2 times a week, mainly on Mondays and Fridays at 2 pm. Visits however need to be arranged prior by e-mail through viestinta (at)
I had the luck to be able to participate in a guided tour. As there were no other participants, I even had a private tour. At this point I would like to say a big "thank you" to the friendly guide who answered all my questions and opened so many doors for me. But before having a look inside the building first some pictures from the outside. The building was designed in the early 1950s as there was need for a headquarters for the newly founded National Pensions Institute. It belongs to Aaltos red brick phase.
Street view of the building when coming from Mannerheimintie (where the tram stop is located)
The building was erected on this granit rocks, some of them have still be kept in front of the building
The main entrance doors and the name of the institute, altogether there are 4 entrance doors, 3 for customers on the right site of the sign and one on the left only for the staff
Now as promised pictures from inside the building:
View of the main entrance doors. Before the institute opened branches all over Helsinki the entire customer service was provided in this building. Today the building only functions as the headquarters, customers are served in branch offices but mainly of course through the internet.
The reception, not anymore in use.
The waiting room
The fancy entrance area is dominated by white and dark blue tiles and marble floor, white marble importet from Italy and black marble from Belgium as well as furniture made of black leather
A wooden model of the building is on display in the entrance area as well
Customer service took place in the old days in those small cabins in order to ensure privacy, those cabins were also designed by Alvar Aalto and one was kept for display to visitors in the entrance hall
The inside of such a service cabin, the customer was seated on a very confortable Aalto design chair
Aalto design furniture in the bag-office area, first drawings of the building by Alvar Aalto are on display at the wall behind
The library of the building, an Aalto typical library kept on two floors with a reading room on the lower level
Interesting is the use of a lot of natural light through windows in the ceeling
Entrance to the building's own restaurant, the building was designed for 700 workers so a own restaurant does definitely make sense
Interesting in the restaurant wing is the fact that the room is heated through pannels kept in the ceeling which can be seen well on this picture
All the furniture designed by Alvar Aalto
A speciality of this building is that Alvar Aalto used five different kind of tile colors. In this picture four of them can be seen, in the entrance hall however, also light blue ones were used.
Those by Arabia produced tiles can be found on many Aalto buildings around the world, the Seinäjoki town hall is just one very good example. However, the only colors used are normally white and a dark blue. In this building Aalto was experimenting with five different colors. All five colors can been seen on the picture on the right which was taken at the Alvar Aalto Museum in Jyväskylä:
Another dark blue tile wall in the corridor between the restaurant and the customer service area
The building has also a very nice inner yard which can be seen through large windows from the restaurant, this is a space for recreation for the staff and thanks to its locations well separated from the street
This former recreation hall, equipped with sport facilities was rebuild into a conference room. The furniture however, are original Aalto design.
Also the former customer service are containing of 28 service cabins was rebuild into another even larger conference room
The roof windows of the large former customer service hall are six storries high and contain also lamps for the dark season, the natural light could not be seen on this picture due to some renovation work that was going on the roof
Another view of the large customer service hall
Another street view of the building